And now my turn to get PR from Manusia Biasa.
wah bingung juga nie mau cerita apa tentang diriku ini
1.easy going,it's too easy going
2.try to positif thinking
3.childish,sometimes i'm childish
4.i like joke,laughing and everything
5. my life Go with the flow
6.i like to watch cartoon and reading comic
7. i like ngegym,i want to masculine body but not yet realized hehehehe..
8.sometimes difficult to wake up in the morning...yoooooi
9. i like the curious with something new
10.it's about myself....no less and no more...thank's
eit'ssss kok bahasa inggris hrs nya seh bahasa indonesia aja ya ceritain nya,aku pengen sambil belajar2 aja nulis inggris biar tambah lancar walaupun english nya antah berantah ga karuan hehehe,,,lanjut terus,yuuuuk...
peraturannya seperti ini nih:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.
mau bagi PR juga neh..
1.Dunia maya kita
3.Selembar Kertas
14 komentar:
Salam kenal..
mau download game di blog..?
clik comment ini...
wuishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ga ngerti woiiiiiiiiiii. wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
pusing gak boss ngerjain PR nya....
Aduh bosz, agak susah juga Prnya, tapi udah selesai nih liat aja ya
dah dapet...ehhehee
selamat untuk para penerima PRnya....!!!
make bahasa nginglish yak.. ck ck ck..
selamat sibuk buat yang dapet Pe Er
@ illyas
salam kenal jg bro
@ manusia biasa sipemberi PR,tugas sudah dilaksanakan
@ david
pusing sie ga tp puyeng iya,hehehe
@ irhamna
sepp men,slmt ngerjakan ya
@ Ezza
yoii men
@ oeoes
iya kang,thank's kang oeoes
@ cumie
hehehe..yuuuk marii...
bahsa ingrris nya " gape " bener mas ^^
memang paling susah dlm hidup ini y bangun pagi >,<
weleh English. gag ngerti nih... ikutan ngucapin selamet aja deh bagi yg kecipratan :D
Hahaha, sam choy...
Biar kata gue ngegym gmn rupa, badan gue tetep aja kayak gini, wkekekeke....
Susah bangun pagi..?? wkekekeke...
Temenan donk ma ayam, biar dibangunin.... :D
ho2...PR yach.. yo wiss tar gw kerjain..sebisa gw..
hai....i like it it is really cool nice good work keep up buddy...
and how check in mine and say do u like mine....and how can i improve..
with regards
(click my ads...)
@ krucial
hehehe makanya aku suka telat bila msk kuliah bngnya kesiangan
@ panda
thank's men
@ zippy
hehehe...ngegym biar tmbh ototnya
@ knowvie
santai aja neng.hehehe
@ kunthan
thank you,you have visited my place
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